Using Diigo’s Webslides in Articulate as a Web Object

I recently came across this post on the Diane Ree’s Instructional Design Fusion blog and immediately thought of using  these Diigo for Articulate courses.  This is a good way to provide a “guided tour” of online resources within your course.  For example, we often do safety related courses and could use this to walk viewers through pages that contain our related company policy, relevant contact information, places to discussions, and anything else that may be relevant.

Here is a Webslides set example.

Here’s a super quick & dirty example of what it would look like in an Articulate web object:

Check out Diane’s post on how to create the webslides using Diigo and the Articulate ’09 help on inserting web objects.

Using bundles might be another option, but the thing I like about the Diigo method is that it provides a built-in navigation option so you wont’ get lost or stuck when you visit the various sites being presented.  Of course you could also use these as a stand alone or  just about anywhere else you need to present your content.

I’m looking forward to trying this out “for real” sometime soon. Anyone else doing something similar? What’s worked and what hasn’t worked for you?

Published by Mike Taylor

Born with a life-long passion for learning, I have the great fortune to work at the intersection of learning, design, technology & collaboration.

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